Seufert Winery

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Product diversification… as result of good fortune I got a few special grapes.

Therefore, Seufert Winery is now making an additional wine – a “sticky” as they say… or perhaps you know the style as a “late harvest” or an “ice wine.”

This will be a white dessert wine made from botrytis infected Pinot Blanc grapes (this is a VERY good thing). As the harvest came in, we carefully hand-sorted the “chosen” clusters and set them aside. While the main grapes were being pressed, I took about 200 pounds of these special clusters to a neighbors’ freezer.

The grapes will be pressed while frozen, separating the concentrated juice from the frozen water crystals. From this point onwards, this intense juice will be processed similarly to other wines.

This is a tiny batch of wine. It will probably yield 50 – 100 half-size bottles. If you like this style of wine, and want to put your name on the pre-order list, send me an email. I’ll send you all of the particulars when the wine is ready and you can tell me if you’re still interested.


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